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"Outfit; Melt your headaches, call it home"

It's Monday morning and I am celebrating the fact that my Histology course is not being held today by watching Scrubs and eating Cheerios. If all mornings were like this than I think I would be a much happier person.


Thursday/Friday (aka The Dreadful 12-hours-of-classes Day):

Me, Andy and Irina enjoying Red Bull and breaks.

I love autumn coats they make the gray cold so much more bearable.

At Irina's house, enjoying the end of a 12 hour school day: Andy, Irina B. and Maria.

The girl who took care of us that night, Irina.

Roasting marshmallows :)

Can you say sugar high?

And then sugar crash?

My Outfit details:
pencil skirt: Mango, top: Hugo Boss, boots: Musette, gray cardigan: Mango, bracelets: thrift;
nightgown: Etam


Video of the Day: Panic at the Disco - Northern Downpour <3

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