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A Big Day For The Patient!!!

Thank you all for your lovely comments. You are such a fabulous bunch of ladies.

Well today is a big day for Andy. DD has taken him for a ride into town and with instructions not to carry anything heavy he is going to have a little walk around the shops. It will be three weeks tomorrow since the last time he was in town. He was quite excited.
Another outing tomorrow as DD is taking us out for lunch at the pub. I will be glad of the break from cooking and washing up.
Andy won't be able to have a beer for a good while yet so he will have to make do with a soft drink but as long as he is out and about he won't mind that.

I have stayed at home because I want to give the kitchen cupboard doors and the tiles a good scrub and rearrange the stuff on the worktops. The microwave needs a wipe inside and out before I move it as well.
I'll get all this done today and then I can have a full day off tomorrow....yay!!!

A Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary to my darling Son and Daughter in Law.
I hope they have a wonderful time today in Nottingham and a good sleep tonight.
We popped in to see them last night and Marlowe was very fractious. Still full of the most horrible cold and DDIL looks exhausted. Normally I would offer to have the girls over night to give her a break but with having to look after Andy it would have been too much. Once he's completely back on his feet I will be able to do more.

We have some lovely sunshine today.....hope you do too.
Thanks for dropping by.

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